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Reaching Behind Bars-RIFT

A working strategy of collaborative research and developmental efforts, specifically aimed at the successful reintegration and social empowerment of the formerly incarcerated.


A diverse community approach committed to the avenue of outreach for the disadvantaged population known as the "formerly incarcerated"-both men and women, as they journey forward through the progress and process of becoming reintegrated back into their communities.

Bridging the gap from Prisons to Purpose: Fostering seeds of hope for our nations "Returning Citizens". Promoting a new way of life in Freedom through emotional, economical, and spiritual restoration and transformation.


At R.I.F.T. Reaching Behind Bars, we are a network working together with state, federal, community leaders, non-profit organizations, legislators and volunteers, family members, friends and the very 'Citizens" who are coming home from penal institutions nationwide. Collectively we are striving for a more sensible approach to a Prisoner Re-entry Model that actually works!

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