A key component of Prisoner Related Advocacy and outreach are the many resources that are proactively networking together across the country and abroad.
Networking and exchanging concepts and strategies for the betterment of a more humane criminal justice system.
Without the combined efforts of both ministries and organizations who are committed to fostering public awareness, advocacy and oversight over the complex issues relating to our criminal justice policies and practices, many lives would be left without a voice; including those very lives who currently making today's headlines regarding Wrongful Convictions.
Prisoner Reentry:
Prisoner Reentry Resources span the nation. Prisoners are exiting prisons nationwide in massive numbers. Many of these individuals have nowhere to go and at most, no absolute footing to begin the journey forward in a successful and productive manner, due to the many barriers concerning persons with convictions, those exiting prison after long periods of time.
Juvenile Justice: The Youth Inside Today's Prison Complex
Juvenile Justice Matters are an aspect of today's prison complex that is in desperate need of reform. Juveniles as young as 12 years old are being sentenced to Life Without Parole. Life Without Parole for a juvenile is basically considered another form of a Death Sentence.
At R.I.F.T. Reaching Behind Bars you are invited to explore and become informed, educated and involved in the areas and dynamics of Juvenile Justice Matters and Policies.